Shahar and Ofir

last summer Shahar and Ofir did something amazing, they decided they want to get married in Shahar’s parents’ backyard. the yard was far from being ready to host anything, hardly even a picnic, but nothing stopped them. They cleaned up the place, flattened it, brought everything they needed and had a beautiful and more importantly fun wedding with every last detail thought about and executed to perfection.
I even had the chance to see the place a few weeks before the wedding so I could really appreciate the hard work and even give my two cents about lighting and other functions. They did such a great job, i think they should consider renting the place out for future events, make a few bucks from the hard work they did and knowledge they collected.

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Shahar & Ofir // The Wedding Highlights from Beard Black Films on Vimeo.

photography: elad baranga / barangapix
additional photography: noa magger
video: beard black films
music: elad ron / zebra music
ocation: parents’ backyard

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