roni and ilya

Roni and ilya got married pretty quickly, I remember seeing on facebook that they got engaged and we got together to work on something and i asked her casually if they started making plans for the wedding and she said: “yeah, it’s gonna be in a couple of months”
she was really chill about it, didn’t want to deal with anything at first, she even thought that photography is a bit too much, she wanted it to be colorful and fun, and knew that no matter what, together with ilya and their vibrant friends it will definitely be a wedding to remember.
and so it was, I was sore for a couple of days after, and I’m very happy (and so is she) that i convinced her that photography is something worth considering.

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photography: elad baranga / barangapix
additional photography: noak, noa magger
hair: dafna barel
venue: house sea
design: reut zagoni

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